The workshops are the perfect place to feel out your work among your fellow peers and editors of OTR before submitting it for possible publication.
If you're interested in these workshops, click on our newsletter to get on the mailing list. When we are back in-person come by our office in the Publications Room (TH 207) for more information. All students are welcome!
All workshops are online for the Spring Semester. There will be monthly workshops for poetry, art, drama, and prose.
Prose Workshops
Wed, April 21st from 3-4pm
RSVP on Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/OOLHl1ja
Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/egq-cpkc-arg
Thu, April 29rd from 4-5pm
RSVP on Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/hAfPiEUaS
Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/hwm-zsxo-pjy
EMAIL: otrprose@gmail.com
Poetry Workshops
Monday, April 19th 7-8pm
RSVP on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/2BnBZAQbc
Google Meets:
EMAIL: olivetreepoets@gmail.com
Art Workshops
Wed, April 28, 1-2pm!
Google meets: https://meet.google.com/jtw-xajm-ens
EMAIL: olivetreeart@gmail.com
Drama Workshop
Wed, April 14th from 5-6pm
RSVP on our Facebook event page: https://fb.me/e/135Wojt83
Google meets: https://meet.google.com/cyb-pnys-xqm
EMAIL: otrdrama@gmail.com