Q: When will I hear back about a piece I submitted?
A: All decisions on submissions are made near the end of the semester. Pieces are accepted democratically by a group of editors.
Q: How do I become an editor?
A: You can email us at olivetreereview@gmail.com to ask if there are any open positions. We usually start hiring towards the end of Spring Semester, so make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter or following us on social media to hear our updates. You can also come by the Publications Room (TH 207) one day and talk to us. There is no experience necessary. All we ask is you read all the work in your section and be prepared to discuss them.
Q: How hard is it to get work into the OTR?
A: It's not easy, but it's not hard either! In total, we get anywhere between 300-600 submissions every semester. About 10% of work is accepted in all categories. If this was a real publication, a 10% acceptance ratio would be very high. However, 10% is still low, in that the editors have to make some tough decisions on whether or not pieces get in. These decisions come down to many things. Every editor votes at the editorial meeting, so sometimes we are forced to reject things many people like. If you are rejected, don't be disheartened! Brush yourself off, revise, edit, make some new things, and submit again!
Q: What sort of work should I send in?
A: Above all, send us your best work. Countless times we receive pieces that show promise but just aren't edited or polished enough to publish. We care about art and writing; please care about your own art and writing enough to make it the best you think it can be before you send it to us. We also hold many writing sessions and art groups if you want to get opinions before submitting. Getting other people to look at your work is the best way to figure out the strengths and weaknesses.
Q: Why wasn't my piece accepted?
A: If your work doesn't get in, don't be discouraged! Many things can cause your work to be rejected. It could just not being a good fit for the magazine, or we could have seen a few too many of the same type of piece in the submission pool, or the editors at the meeting might not have been able to reach a consensus.
Editors end up having to reject a lot of pieces with great promise. This is a difficult, sometimes painful process. But if you are rejected, as always, the best advice is to revise, revise, and submit again. If necessary, you may ask your senior editors what were the strong or weak points in your works. The best way to see why pieces are accepted or rejected is to participate in the editorial meetings. There's no excuse not to!